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Governing Board of the Development Centre
Mr. Joaquim PENNA   
Mr. Luis Fernando MEDINA   
Ms. Lorena Sol de Pool   
(El Salvador)
Mr. Debashis Chakraborty   
Mr. Kenichi MASAMOTO   
Mr. Young Bae CHOI   
(Slovak Republic)
Mr. Ali Emre MUTLU   
People’s Republic of China   
Costa Rica   
South Africa   
Cabo Verde   
(Côte d’Ivoire)   
Dominican Republic   
El Salvador   
Slovak Republic   
Viet Nam   
EU participation:   
The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the OECD, in accordance with the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.   
Observers (International Organisations):   
African Development Bank (AfDB)   
International Monetary Fund (IMF)   
World Bank   
Date of creation:
1st January 2003

Mandate:    -   Resolution of the Council on the Establishment of the Development Centre Governing Board [C(2002)228] as modified in the Council conclusions [C/M(2002)23, Item 337 i)]

   -   Decision of the Council reforming the Development structure of the OECD [C/M(2002)18, item 258 b) c) d) e)] and document [C(2002)181/REV2]


Annex:   -   Decision of the Council establishing a Development Centre of the Organisation [C(62)144(Final)] as amended by the Decision of the Council of 2 April 1963 [C(63)54; C/M(63)5 Part II(Final), Item 64], by the Decision of the Council of 12 September 1991 [C(91)137; C/M(91)18/PROV, Item 181], by the Decision of the Council of 27 January 1994 [C(94)13(Final); C/M(94)2/PROV, Item 28], by the Decision of the Council of 22 September 2002 [C/M(2002)18/PROV, Item 258 c)], by the Decision of the Council of 22 April 2004 [C(2004)71/REV; C/M(2004)10/PROV, Item 138 d)] and by the Decision of the Council of 26 February 2009[C(2009)2/REV1; C/M(2009)4/PROV, item 44 d)]




Resolution of the Council on the Establishment of
the Development Centre Governing Board [
as modified by the Council conclusions
[C/M(2002)23, Item 337 i)]


   Having regard to Article 5 of the Convention establishing the OECD and Rule 18 a) iii) of the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation,

   Having regard to the Decision of the Council of 23 October 1962 establishing a Development Centre of the Organisation [C(62)144/Final as amended];

   Having regard to the Resolution of the Council [C(71)191] establishing an Advisory Board on the Development Centre;

   Having regard to the conclusions of the Council of 12 September 2002 [C/M(2002)18] on Reforming the Development Structure of the OECD [C(2002)181/REV2];

   On the proposal of the Secretary-General;


1.   There is hereby established the Development Centre Governing Board, composed of representatives of the countries Members of the Centre[3].

2.   The Governing Board shall work on all issues within the framework of the Development Centre's mandate, [C(62)144/Final as amended] and under the general guidance of the Council;

3.   The provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation shall apply to the Governing Board;

4.   The Governing Board shall ensure that the Development Centre engage in close co-ordination and co-operation with other parts of the OECD in forming and implementing a common strategy and co-ordinated work programme of the “development cluster,” of which the Development Centre is a part.

5.   The Resolution of the Council [C(71)191] referred to above is hereby repealed.


Decision of the Council establishing a Development Centre of the Organisation
[C(62)144(Final)] as amended

by the Decision of the Council of 2 April 1963 [C(63)54; C/M(63)5 Part II(Final), Item 64],

by the Decision of the Council of 12 September 1991 [C(91)137; C/M(91)18/PROV, Item 181],

by the Decision of the Council of 27 January 1994 [C(94)13(Final); C/M(94)2/PROV, Item 28],

by the Decision of the Council of 22 September 2002 [C/M(2002)18/PROV, Item 258 c)],

by the Decision of the Council of 22 April 2004 [C(2004)71/REV; C/M(2004)10/PROV, Item 138 d)] and by the Decision of the Council of 26 February 2009[C(2009)2/REV1; C/M(2009)4/PROV, item 44 d)]


   Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development of 14th December 1960, (hereinafter called the "Convention"), and, in particular, Articles 1 b), 2 e), 3, 5 a), 12 and 20 of the Convention;

   Having regard to the Resolution of the Council adopted at the Meeting of Ministers on 17th November 1961, on Terms of Reference for a Development Centre of the Organisation [Documents OECD/C(61)54, paragraph 11; OECD/C/M(61)7, Item 52];

   Having regard to the Financial Regulations of the Organisation and, in particular, to Articles 5 and 15 b) thereof;

   Having regard to the Staff Rules and Regulations and to the Rules and Regulations on Experts and Consultants of the Organisation and, in particular, to Regulation 2 b) thereof;

   Recognising that there exists in participating countries a great amount of knowledge and experience on the problems of economic development and on the formulation of general economic policies which could be adapted to countries or regions in the process of economic development, and that this would contribute to achieving the objectives of the Organisation set out in the Convention by the placing of such knowledge and experience at the disposal of the countries concerned;


Article 1

   There is hereby established, within the framework of the Organisation, a Development Centre (hereinafter referred to as the "Centre").

Article 2

   The purpose of the Centre shall be to bring together the knowledge and experience available in participating countries of both economic development and of the formulation and execution of general economic policies; to adapt such knowledge and experience to the actual needs of countries or regions in the process of economic development and to place the results by appropriate means at the disposal of the countries concerned. In accomplishing this purpose, the Centre shall in particular take into account the interdependence of the political, economic, and cultural conditions existing in the countries in the process of economic development.

Article 3

   The Centre shall undertake the activities appropriate to achieve its purpose as defined in Article 2 in the context of any directives issued by the Council. It may, in particular, engage in training and research, and organise conferences, symposia and other meetings. It may also help meet the needs for advisory services for institutions engaged in teaching, training, or research, or for less‑developed countries at their request, subject to Council approval when such services are rendered to Governments of non‑participating countries.

Article 4

   The Centre should establish with other international organisations and with national institutions concerned with economic development such working relations as may be appropriate to facilitate the accomplishment of its tasks. Such working relations should in particular allow the Centre to take full advantage of the work of these organisations and institutions. In order to accomplish its purposes the Centre may also encourage, promote and assist the activities of other institutions or organisations.

Article 5

   The Centre shall report each year to the Council on its activities. It shall submit, either on request by the Council or on its own initiative, other communications to the Council.

Article 6

Article 6 deleted by Decision of the Council of 22 September 2002 [C/M(2002)18, Item 258 c)].

Article 7

   The Secretary-General, on the proposal of the President[4] and with the approval of the Council, may name advisers who shall be consulted by the President as appropriate in the exercise of his duties. The Advisers shall be selected on the basis of their expert knowledge of problems of economic development or on the basis of the functions they may hold with other institutions or in countries in the process of economic development.

Article 8

a)   The staff of the Centre shall form part of the Secretariat of the Organisation.

b)   Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 2(b) of the Rules and Regulations on the Experts and Consultants of the Organisation, the appointment of individuals as consultants to the Centre may be made for periods of up to three years.

Article 9

   The expenditure of the Centre shall be defrayed from assets earmarked for it in Part II of the Budget of the Organisation.

Article 10

   Notwithstanding the provisions of the Financial Regulations, the Council may authorise the Secretary‑General to seek and accept voluntary contributions, other resources, and payment for services rendered by the Centre. The Council may also authorise the Secretary-General to commit and expend such funds for periods of more than one year.

Article 11

   Participating countries shall be the Member countries which have accepted this Decision and any other country which has been invited by the Organisation to participate and which has addressed a written acceptance to the Secretary-General, including acceptance to contribute to the expenditure of the Centre. Any participating country may withdraw by giving written notice to the Secretary-General. Such a withdrawal shall take effect on 31 December of the year following the date of receipt of such notice. The Organisation may suspend or terminate participation of a non‑Member country by giving one month's written notice of suspension or twelve months’ written notice of termination.

[1]Process of selection of a Chair is ongoing.
[2]Poland rejoined in January 2008. Egypt, Israel and Vietnam joined in March 2008. Colombia joined in July 2008. Indonesia joined in February 2009. Costa Rica, Mauritius, Morocco and Peru joined in March 2009. The Dominican Republic joined in December 2009.Senegal joined in February 2011. Argentina and Cape Verde joined in March 2011. Panama joined in 2013. Denmark and Greece became member in 2014 as well as Côte d'Ivoire; Kazakhstan, Tunisia and China became member in 2015; Japan rejoined the Centre in 2016. Paraguay joined in 2017. Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Rwanda and Togo joined DEV in 2019. Poland left the Centre end December 2019, Germany left the Centre end December 2020 and both UK & Luxembourg left the Centre end December 2021. Albania joined the Development Centre in 2023. Barbados & Zambia joined DEV on December 2024
[3]In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the Convention and Supplementary Protocol No.1 to the Convention, the European Commission takes part in the work of the Governing Board.
[4]As of the Decision of the Council of , the Development Centre is headed by an A7-level official [C/M(2002)18, item 258].
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