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Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Governing Board (CERI)
Mr. Harold Hislop   
Bureau Members:   
Mr. Jeroen Backs   
Dr. Arnor Gudmundsson   
Mr. Masayuki Inoue   
Ms. Shelley Robertson   
(New Zealand)
Dr. Isabel FLORES   
Mr. Stefan C. Wolter   
Mr. Mark Schneider   
(United States)
Mr. Bernhard CHABERA   
Mr. Jeroen Backs   
Ms. Oana Marina PANAIT   
Ms. Bobbi Plecas   
Mr. Pierre THERRIEN   
Dr. Martin Cáceres   
Mr. Tomas Zatloukal   
(Czech Republic)
Ms. Laura KIRSS   
Mr. Bartek LESSAER   
Mr. Aki Tornberg   
Mr. Robert RAKOCEVIC   
Dr. Arnor Gudmundsson   
Mr. Harold Hislop   
Dr. Odette Sela   
Dr. Roberto RICCI   
Mr. Masayuki Inoue   
Dr. Bangran RYU   
Mr. Viktors Kravcenko   
Mr. Luc Weis   
Mr. Carlos Ramírez Sámano   
Quirine Van Der Hoeven   
Ms. Shelley Robertson   
(New Zealand)
Mr. Morten Rosenkvist   
Mr. Radoslaw Sojak   
Dr. Isabel FLORES   
(Slovak Republic)
Ms. Maja Mihelic Debeljak   
Mr. Stefan C. Wolter   
Dr. Hayri Eren SUNA   
Professor Russell Viner   
(United Kingdom)
Mr. Mark Schneider   
(United States)
Russian Federation   
Date of creation:
28th July 1967
31st December 2023

Mandate:   -    Resolution of the Council approved at its 1433rd session held on 19 October 2021 [C(2021)138, Annex and C/M(2021)20 item 230]


Resolution of the Council [C(2021)138, Annex and C/M(2021)20 item 230]

RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL renewing and revising THE Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI)


Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960; 

Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;

Having regard to the Financial Regulations of the Organisation;

Having regard to the Revised Resolution of the Council on Partnerships in OECD Bodies [C(2012)100/REV1/FINAL];

Having regard to the Decision of the Council Concerning Rules and Procedures for implementing the Programme of Educational Research and Innovation [C(67)63)], followed by the decision of the Council concerning a Programme on Educational Research and Innovation as last renewed by Council in 2016 [C(2016)91/REV1 and C/M(2016)15, Item 241];

Having regard to the proposed renewal and revision of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation and of the mandate of its Governing Board [C(2021)138];


   The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (Centre) is renewed and revised as follows:


   The mission of CERI reflects and complements the priorities of the OECD as a whole in providing employment opportunities for all, improving human capital and social cohesion. CERI contributes to supporting participating OECD Members and Partners in their efforts to achieve high quality lifelong learning for all, which contributes to personal development, sustainable economic growth and social cohesion. It is carried out with due regard to the mandates of other education bodies, namely the Education Policy Committee (EDPC), the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) Governing Board, the Board of Participating Countries for the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) and the Governing Board of the Programme on International Student Assessment (PISA).

   The operational objectives of CERI shall be to:

· provide and promote international comparative research, innovation and key indicators on current and emerging education and learning issues, and their links to other sectors of policy;

· explore forward-looking and innovative approaches to education and learning in the context of national and international cultural, social and economic change, within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education and with a special focus on inclusive education;

· facilitate the bridging between educational research, innovation and policy development and promote co-operation among OECD Members and, where relevant, with Partners, in order to seek solutions and exchange views on educational problems of common interest.


   Participation in CERI is open to all OECD Members.

   Invitations to and participation of non-Members in CERI with Associate status on the Governing Board will be approved by the Council following the recommendation of the Governing Board.

   Together, these Members and non-Members will be referred to as “CERI members.”

   All other participation of non-Members on the Governing Board shall be decided by the Governing Board.

Governing Board

   The CERI Governing Board shall be composed of one national expert in the field of competence of the Centre from each CERI member. Experts shall be proposed by the CERI members, and should have senior standing and expertise in the field of education, either as researcher with strong connection to policy, or as policy maker with strong connection to educational research and innovation. Based on the proposal by the CERI member, the Board shall appoint the experts for the duration of the Governing Board mandate or until the CERI member proposes an alternative expert.

   CERI members for whom the competence on education matters is shared between different levels of authority, may propose one additional national expert to the Governing Board. These experts will be reviewed by the Chair and Vice-Chairs and, if approved, will be nominated in accordance with the foregoing procedure. Regardless of the number of experts from any CERI member nominated to the Board, each CERI member shall have only one vote.

   The Governing Board shall be concerned with all matters in the field of competence of CERI. Having regard to the mandate of the EDPC, the CERI Governing Board:

• develops and approves its draft work programme and budget within the Medium-Term Strategy objectives developed by the EDPC;

• monitors the quality and timeliness of output results, activities and projects;

• disseminates its policy advice and analysis, research and data;

• evaluates the outcomes of the Centre’s work;

• seeks the guidance of the EDPC for recommendations with major policy implications and for decisions to launch major new activities with significant financial implications for OECD Members.

   The Chair or a Vice-Chair of EDPC and of the TALIS Governing Board, the PISA Governing Board and of the PIAAC Board of Participating Countries may attend meetings of the CERI Governing Board ex officio.

   The CERI Governing Board shall seek the consensus in its decisions. If unable to reach consensus, the matter will be brought to a vote and will be decided by a two-thirds majority of the Governing Board. Notwithstanding this provision, decisions relating to the operation of the Governing Board, the elements to be included in calculating the floor contribution for the scale of contributions, proposed changes to the mission and matters related to the participation by non-Members will be adopted by consensus.

Budget of the Centre

   The expenditure of CERI shall be charged against the appropriations authorised for it under Part II of the Budget of the Organisation.

   The scale of contributions for the Centre, attributed to CERI members, shall be composed of:

• a floor contribution to be determined by the CERI Governing Board, and

• the remainder of costs to be assigned to CERI members on the basis of the OECD principles and rules for determining the scales of contributions by Members other than for Part I of the Budget of the Organisation [C(2008)144/REV1, Annex II], using as input statistics the national income data and exchange rates used in the calculation of scales for the previous year.

   Each CERI member’s contribution will be determined by the previous year’s contribution in real terms plus an adjusted difference representing the difference between their contribution for the current year as calculated in accordance with the previous paragraph and the previous year’s inflation adjusted contribution.

   For the year 2022, all CERI members will be charged their full contribution in accordance with paragraph 13, except those CERI members which share in the OECD Part II scale represent less than 0.15% for the year 2022. CERI members which share in the OECD Part II scale represent less than 0.15% will be exceptionally charged 60% of their contribution according to the Part II Scale for the year 2022. For the year 2023, they will pay their full contribution in accordance with paragraph 13.

   All other non-Members participating in the Centre shall pay an amount equal to the floor contribution.

   Appropriations for which no commitment has been entered into before the end of the Financial Year for which they were appropriated as well as any surplus income shall be automatically carried forward to the budget of CERI for the ensuing year by decision of the Secretary‑General, notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 10 of the Financial Regulations of the Organisation.

   A CERI member would fall into arrears on 1 January of the year following the year of the call for payment of its assessed contribution if the contribution remains unpaid at that date. If a CERI member’s contribution remained unpaid in the second year following the year of call for payment, a proposal would be considered to suspend its participation, unless it paid the outstanding contribution. Settlement of the outstanding debt by the Member country in arrears will reverse the suspension. If, in the third year following the year of call for payment, a CERI member’s contribution remained unpaid, a proposal would be considered to exclude it from the CERI Programme, unless it paid the outstanding contribution. The decision of exclusion shall be adopted by the Council. This decision shall be notified to the concerned CERI member.

Relationship with other bodies

   The CERI Governing Board shall maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies of the Organisation working on issues that affect the development and implementation of educational research and innovation and have implications for other policy areas.

   The CERI Governing Board shall co-operate with other international and regional organisations active in its field of competence.

   The CERI Governing Board may consult with non-governmental bodies as and when necessary.


   This Resolution shall remain in force until 31 December 2023."

[1]The European Commission participates by virtue of the Supplementary Protocol No.1 to the Convention on the OECD
Version Published On :2nd August 2023 and Archived on: 16th October 2023  
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