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Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP)
Mr. Yongsuk Jang   
Mr. Christian Naczinsky   
Mr. Alexandr Hobza   
Mr. Hidetoshi Kotera   
Mr. Patrick Vock   
Ms. Philippa Sharma   
(United Kingdom)
Open to all Member countries 
Participation Plan   
Date of creation:
3rd February 1972
31st December 2024
Observers (International Organisations):   
Council of Europe (COE)   
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)   

Mandate:    -   Resolution of the Council Concerning the Renewal of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(99)185/FINAL]

   -   Resolution of the Council Concerning the Renewal of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(2004)120]

   -   Resolution of the Council concerning the renewal and modification of the mandate of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(2009)191 and C/M(2009)23, item 311]

   -   Resolution of the Council revising the mandate of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(2014)131, Annex and C/M(2014)12, Item 191]

   -   Resolution of the Council renewing and revising the mandate of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(2019)134 and C/M(2019)15, item 205]

Resolution of the Council [C(2019)134 and C/M(2019)15, Item 205]


HAVING REGARD to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development of 14 December 1960;

HAVING REGARD to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;

HAVING REGARD to the Revised Resolution of the Council on Partnerships in OECD Bodies [C(2012)100/REV1/FINAL];

HAVING REGARD to the creation of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(72)6/FINAL], whose mandate was last renewed and revised in 2014 [C(2014)131 and Annex and C/M(2014)12, Item 191];

HAVING REGARD to the recommendations of the In-Depth Evaluation of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(2012)133 and C/M(2012)14, Item 215 ii)];

CONSIDERING that science, technology and innovation policy need to be adapted to changing conditions, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, and increasingly integrated with one another and with other aspects of government policy to deliver on economic and social welfare and growth.

RECOGNISING that international co-operation in science, technology and innovation among Members and non-Members needs to be further facilitated in order to meet major social and global challenges;

HAVING REGARD to the proposed revision of the mandate of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy [C(2019)134];


A. The Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (hereinafter the “CSTP”) is renewed with the following revised mandate:

I. Objectives

1. The CSTP shall be responsible for encouraging co‑operation among Members and, as appropriate, with Partners, in the field of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy, with a view to contributing to the achievement of economic, social and scientific aims, including growth and the creation of jobs, sustainable development, improved well-being of their citizens and advancing the frontiers of knowledge. It shall pay particular attention to the integration of science, technology and innovation policy with other aspects of government policy, which is of increasing importance in the development of increasingly globalised knowledge economies.

2. To fulfil its responsibility; the CSTP will pursue the following objectives:

i) Improve, through analytical work and the development of relevant internationally comparable indicators, the understanding of the process through which science, technology and innovation contribute to increased knowledge, productivity growth, economic performance, job creation, sustainable development and social well-being;

ii) Promote the exchange of information and discussion among Members and Partners on the objectives, instruments and financing of national, regional and global science, technology and innovation policy, in order to facilitate international comparison, to develop evaluation models and to identify relevant best policy practices. Relevant foci may include policies related to the production, dissemination and exchange of knowledge; human resource development and mobility; the strengthening of links between research, higher education and industry; the links between science and innovation policy; the impact of globalisation on national and regional research and innovation systems; policies aimed at addressing grand challenges, notably in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals; mission-oriented research and innovation policies; policies that promote inclusivity and policy measures to stimulate innovation, including direct and indirect support and demand-side policies. In all cases, a forward-looking approach that considers past trends will be favoured;

iii) Promoting the exchange of information and discussion among Members and Partners on policies designed to maintain a strong and creative base of scientific research endowed with a relevant and adequate research infrastructure;

iv) Promote the exchange of information and discussion among Members and Partners on the expected impact of digitalisation on science, technology and innovation; on the policies designed to strengthen digitalisation and maximise its positive impact on research and innovation activities; and on the use of digital technologies for improving the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of science, technology and innovation policies;

v) Improve the understanding of Members and Partners of foreseeable impacts of converging, emerging and enabling technologies; their likely national and international economic and social consequences, including environmental; and the policy options that could maximise benefits and minimise risk associated with new technologies;

vi) Promote the exchange of information and discussion among Members and Partners on measures to engage with the public, to promote public understanding of and trust in science and technology, to make science and technology studies and training more attractive; and to strengthen dialogue and interaction with science, industry, higher education and civil society in formulating and implementing science, technology and innovation policies;

vii) Promote the exchange of information and discussion among Members and Partners on science policies aimed at stimulating research and development, including targets, impact assessments, funding mechanisms and the use of scientific advice and expertise in policy making considering civil society dynamics;

viii) Facilitate international co‑operation in science, technology and innovation to advance knowledge and address global challenges; as well as appropriate, policy co-ordination among Members and among Members and Partners on the development of research agendas, access to scientific data and information the international mobility of researchers and increasing understanding of the dynamics of international co-operation in science and technology;

ix) Facilitate the efforts of the Members to strengthen the scientific, technological and innovative capabilities of developing and emerging countries, whilst also taking stock and learning from the policy experiences of developing and emerging countries.

II. Co-ordination Arrangements

3. In the pursuit of these objectives, the CSTP shall determine the strategic orientations of its subsidiary bodies, and receive oral or written reports at each CSTP meeting to ensure their co-ordination, evaluation, policy integration, and alignment with CSTP priorities.

4. The CSTP shall maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies of the Organisation working on issues that affect the design and implementation of science, technology and innovation policies, in particular overarching horizontal activities that relate to the strategic priorities of the CSTP.

5. The CSTP shall strengthen its co-operation with regional, international and other organisations active in this policy field. It may consult with non-governmental bodies as and when necessary.

B. The mandate of the CSTP shall remain in force until 31 December 2024.


Version Published On :26th October 2023 and Archived on: 11th January 2024  
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