On-Line Guide to OECD Intergovernmental Activity
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Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP)
Mr. Yoichi IIDA   
Ms. Heather Dryden   
Mr. Jens Mundhenke   
Ms. Eunyoung Jang   
Mr. Arturo Robles Rovalo   
Mr. Alberto Gago Fernandez   
Ms. Lauren Rivers   
(United Kingdom)
Mr. Mohammed Motiwala   
(United States)
Open to all Member countries 
South Africa   
Russian Federation   
Observers (International Organisations):   
Council of Europe (COE)   
Date of creation:
1st April 1982
31st December 2023

Mandate:    -   Resolution of the Council renewing and revising the Mandate of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy, approved by the Council on 11 December 2018 at its 1387th session [C/M(2018)24, item 252]


Resolution of the Council [C(2018)141, and C/M(2018)24, item 252]





Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960;

   Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;

   Having regard to the Revised Resolution of the Council on Partnerships in OECD Bodies [C(2012)100/REV1/FINAL]

   Having regard to the Resolution of the Council of 1 April 1982 establishing a Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy [C(81)59(Final)], which became the Committee on Digital Economy, which was renamed Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP), and whose mandate was last revised and renewed in 2014 [C(2014)9 and C/M(2014)2, Item 20];

Having regard to the role of digitalisation in stimulating the development of new sources of sustainable growth, innovation, employment, well-being and inclusiveness; and to the leading role that the OECD has long played in developing policies to maximise the economic and social benefits of the digital economy for all countries, including developing ones;

Having regard to the need for strengthened international co-operation on policy making for digital transformation among OECD Members and non-Members ; and to the need for strengthened mechanisms that enable participation of all stakeholders in policy development processes, including governments, international organisations, business, civil society, organised labour, the Internet technical community, and academia;

Having regard to the Ministerial Declaration on the Digital Economy: Innovation, Growth and Social Prosperity (Cancún Declaration) [C(2016)116] which underlined that initiatives to support the digital economy also help attain the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society and its ten year review;

Recognising that the strength and dynamism of the digital economy depend on effective access by users and innovators to communication infrastructure and services through high-speed networks, on more effective use of digital technologies by businesses, governments, individuals and society, on openness, and on user confidence;

Further recognising that policy making associated with digital transformation requires an integrated government approach and collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, and must be grounded in respect for human rights and the rule of law, promote gender equality and be inclusive of vulnerable or disadvantaged groups;

Having regard to the proposal of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy regarding the revision of its mandate [C(2018)141];



A.      The Committee on Digital Economy Policy has the following revised mandate:

I.   Objectives

1.      The Committee on Digital Economy Policy shall be responsible for developing evidence-based policies through multi-stakeholder processes that: i) stimulate the growth of an accessible, innovative, open, inclusive and trusted digital economy for sustained prosperity; and ii) provide policymakers with the tools needed to develop a forward-looking, whole-of-government policy response that leverages the potential of digitalisation for growth and well-being across policy areas.

2.      The Committee shall strengthen co-operation in these areas among OECD Members and with Partners, consistent with the Committee’s Global Relations Strategy, with a view to fostering exchange of experience and co-ordination of policies at the national and international levels.

II.   Working methods

3.      The Committee shall, in particular:   

i)Strengthen the foundations of the digital economy by developing, monitoring, and promoting a coherent policy and regulatory framework which in particular:


a)Stimulates competition and investment in high speed broadband connectivity and facilitates convergence of and promotes ubiquitous access to broadband networks, services, applications and devices;


b)Promotes investment in digital technologies and knowledge-based capital, and enhances availability and use of data;


c)Reduces barriers to access to and use of digital technologies;


d)Fosters research, innovation and new business opportunities, including those arising from emerging technologies and applications, while addressing their economic and social effects, and assessing the appropriateness of policy and regulatory frameworks, and of global standards;


e)Strengthens trust in the digital economy, including by promoting the management of digital security risks to economic and social activities, and the protection of privacy, as well as the development of data strategies and of international arrangements that promote interoperability among frameworks.


ii)Coordinate with other OECD committees to: i) develop analyses, policies and good practices that leverage the potential of digital transformation for growth and well-being through enhanced entrepreneurship, ICT skills and employment, and better health, wellness and ageing; and ii) to further develop and implement a medium- to long-term measurement roadmap for digital transformation.



iii)Inform policy making for the digital economy, and in particular:

a)Review and analyse emerging technologies, applications, goods and services, and call attention to their economic and social effects on market structures, regulation, behaviours, etc.;


b)Analyse the economic and social impacts of, and drivers to, the development and use of digital technologies across the economy; as well as the implications of digital security and privacy breaches on the economy and society;


c)Develop measurement tools and methodologies, including using the Internet as a source for statistics, to strengthen the evidence base for the digital economy and to assess its contribution to the whole economy; and


d)Conduct country-level OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation (Going Digital Reviews), in co-operation with other relevant committees, to draw on innovative experiences and good practices in individual countries, provide volunteer countries with an assessment of their degree of digital maturity and help policy makers ensure a coherent and cohesive whole-of-government approach to better respond to digital transformation and make it work for growth and well-being.


4.      The Committee shall determine the strategic orientations of its subsidiary bodies, and receive regular reports from them to ensure the co-ordination of their activities in furthering these orientations.

III.   Co-ordination arrangements

5.      The Committee shall maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies within the OECD to ensure complementarity of efforts and effective use of resources. In the conduct of its work, the Committee will also, as appropriate, draw on the views and expertise of Partners, international organisations, business, organised labour, civil society, and the Internet technical community within a framework of co-operation that promotes mutual understanding and engagement.

B.      The mandate of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy shall remain in force until 31 December 2023.


Version Published On :19th December 2022 and Archived on: 16th October 2023  
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