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Territorial Development Policy Committee (TDPC)
Mr. Paul Leblanc   
Mr. Georg Schadt   
Mr. James Meddings   
Mr. Eric von Breska   
(European Commission)
Mr. Michel Ruffin   
Ms. Maria Kostopoulou   
Ms. Flavia Terribile   
Mr. Akira Oshida   
Mr. Peter Wostner   
Mr. Matt Erskine   
(United States)
New Zealand   
Czech Republic   
Republic of Korea   
Slovak Republic    
United Kingdom   
United States   
European Commission   
South Africa   
Date of creation:
20th January 1999
31st December 2014

Mandate :   The TDPC was created by the Resolution [C(98)198/FINAL] adopted by the Council on 20th January 1999 [C/M(99)1].

    Resolution of the Council concerning the Renewal of the Mandate of the Territorial Development Policy Committee set out in annex I to document [C(2004)114] adopted by the Council on 8th July 2004 at its 1091st session [C(2004)114/CORR1 and C/M(2004)17, item 216].

   Resolution of the Council concerning the Renewal of the Mandate of the Territorial Development Policy Committee set out in annex I to document [C(2009)126] adopted by the Council on 22 October at its 1027th Session [C/M(2009)21, item 242].


Resolution of the Council [C(2009)126 and C/M(2009)21, item 242]


   Having regard to Articles 5 a) and 9 of the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development.

   Having regard to the Rules of Procedure.

   Having regard to the report “The OECD Committee Structure - A review” [CE(98)3].

   Having regard to the Resolution of the Council concerning the Creation of a Territorial Development Policy Committee [C(98)198/FINAL].

   Having regard to the Resolutions of the Council concerning the Renewal of the Mandate of the Territorial Development Policy Committee [C/M(2001)26], Item 426 and [C(2001)257/REV1], [C/M(2004)114, and CORR1, and C/M(2004)17, Item 216].

   Having regard to the emerging synergies with the work in the directorate on Public Governance and Territorial Development.

   Having regard to the principal conclusions of the meeting of the Territorial Development Policy Committee (TDPC) at Ministerial Level in March 2009.

   Having regard to the proposed revision of the mandate of the Territorial Development Policy Committee [C(2009)126].

   Seizing the enormous opportunity Ministers see for regional policy to promote long-term economic development while addressing major national and global policy challenges, such as fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, confronting climate change, moving towards sustainable development, investing in human capital formation, dealing with demographic issues (such as ageing and migration), and enhancing the effectiveness of public investment and the quality of public services in both urban and rural areas.

   Recognising that Ministers reaffirmed the need to shift from subsidy-based single sector policies to integrated multi-sector and place-based policies that exploit each region’s competitive advantage and core economic strengths.

   Considering the central role of regional development policies as both an agent for achieving structural adjustment, international competitiveness, and innovation, thus contributing to broader national and global objectives.

   Acknowledging the importance of regional policy in the context of global economic crisis, and the role it plays in the implementation of effective fiscal packages in response to the crisis.

   Acknowledging that the Committee provides a unique forum for Members, non- Members and other relevant stakeholders (international organisations, NGOs, and the private sector) to share views on regional development policy design and implementation and to improve the understanding of economic, social, environmental and institutional trends relevant to regional policy making.

   Recognising that the Territorial Development Policy Committee contributes a territorial perspective on major national and global policy concerns and priorities, notably innovation and entrepreneurship, climate change, sustainable resource use and demographic issues, including ageing and migration.


1.   The Territorial Development Policy Committee has the following mandate:


a)The Territorial Development Policy Committee (TDPC) seeks to improve the performance of policies to enhance well-being and living standards in all types of regions by influencing the main factors that: sustain regional competitive advantages; generate stronger, fairer and liveable regional economies; and promote effective and innovative governance.

b)TDPC should serve as a premier international forum for senior-level government policy makers to identify, discuss, and disseminate a vision of development policy that is place-based, multi-level, innovative and geared towards different types of regions. This policy approach focuses on economic growth and competitiveness while integrating environmental and social concerns.

c)The intermediary objectives of the Committee include:

i)Diagnosing policy challenges in different types of regions; comparing cross-territory trends in regional performance, in local finances, and in regional policies; promoting understanding of the linkages between rural and urban areas; and developing and maintaining high-quality and relevant statistical indicators to support policy making.

ii)Identifying and addressing the current and emerging regional policy challenges that governments face, particularly with the consequences of the global economic crisis and the responses to critical issues, such as climate change, ageing, and migration.

iii)Seizing new regional policy opportunities in key areas such as innovation, green growth, and key national strategies.

iv)Undertaking policy analysis of regional competitiveness strategies, with a view to promoting the best use of under-utilised potential for growth, and better incorporate into regional policy making the inter-linkage between economic development, social and regional cohesion and environmental and sustainability concerns.

v)Assisting, through the exchange of best practices and peer reviews, Members and non-Members in designing and implementing coherent regional development policies that are based on a whole of government approach, effective targeting of public investments, and efficient delivery of public services to best support development and other major national objectives.

vi)Examining how the appropriate governance mechanisms can be identified and put in place to improve policy making.

Co-operation arrangements

I.   TDPC’s three Working Parties --Working Party on Territorial Policy in Rural Areas; Working Party on Territorial Policy in Urban Areas; and Working Party on Territorial Indicators-- will play a key role in supporting the work of the Committee and assisting in the implementation of its programme of workThe Chairs of the Working Parties will report directly to the TDPC.

II.   Building on its work on multi-level governance, the TDPC should look at how to ensure policy coherence and effective co-ordination between supra-national (when applicable), central and regional and/or local actors, drawing on the work of, and in close co-operation with, the Public Governance Committee.

III.   The TDPC and its Working Parties shall co-operate with other OECD committees on matters related to regional development policies, including participation in horizontal activities.

Relations with non-Members, inter-governmental bodies and international organisations

I.   Recognising the global importance of regional policy, the Committee will continue to work closely with non- Members to discuss issues of common interest and identify and disseminate best practices. The Committee may invite non-Members to participate in its work in accordance with Council Resolution C(2004)132/FINAL.

II.   In addition, the Committee will continue its working relationships with other inter-governmental bodies and international organisations, as is the case for the: Council of Europe (CoE), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), European Investment Bank (EIB), Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the World Bank (WB).

III.   The Committee shall consider the views and input of BIAC, TUAC and other major stakeholders in the field of regional policy.

Duration of the Mandate

2.   The mandate of the TDPC shall remain in force from 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2014.” 


Version Published On :16th January 2013 and Archived on: 22nd January 2014  
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