HAVING REGARD to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960;
HAVING REGARD to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;
HAVING REGARD to the Revised Resolution of the Council on Partnerships in OECD Bodies [C(2012)100/REV1/FINAL];
HAVING REGARD to the Resolution of the Council concerning the Establishment of a Committee on Statistics [C(2003)217 and its CORR1], renamed the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy in 2013 when its mandate was last revised [C(2013)82 and its CORR1], whose mandate was extended in 2018 [C(2018)123], in 2020 [C(2020)85] and in 2021 [C(2021)103];
HAVING REGARD to the recommendations of the In-depth Evaluation of the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy [C(2021)48];
HAVING REGARD to the proposed revision of the mandate of the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy [C(2021)174];
A. The Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy (hereinafter “the Committee”), is renewed with the following revised mandate:
I. Objectives
1. The overarching objective of the Committee is to support policy-making on the basis of high quality, internationally comparable data and evidence-based analysis and to provide this statistical information to all interested users, including the public at large.
2. The Committee seeks to achieve this objective by overseeing the OECD’s statistical policy and the broad range of statistics and data for evidence relevant to the Organisation to ensure:
i.statistics and data for evidence within the OECD are dealt with in a well-coordinated and efficient manner, taking into account that all substantive committees and their subsidiary bodies that are launching a major statistical project are invited by Council to consult with the Committee at the onset of such project;
ii.the development of innovative conceptual work, policy-relevant measures and statistical standards.
II. Working methods
3. To achieve its objective, the Committee shall: responsible to Council for the OECD’s statistical policy, both within the Organisation and vis-à-vis the rest of the world;
ii.approve common standards for data and metadata exchange between the OECD and national data and other international data providers;
iii.develop common approaches for OECD data sourcing and data management as well as innovative tools for data quality assurance and data dissemination;
iv.promote OECD standards on good statistical practice.
III. Co-ordination arrangements
In carrying out its work, the Committee shall:
i.collaborate closely with other OECD substantive committees and their subsidiary bodies; in particular the Committee shall:
a)play a consultative role with respect to their major statistical projects in order to help them achieve their objectives in the most efficient way; in particular, identify, and respond to, new and emerging statistical needs of policymakers, and anticipate and address related data supply issues;
b)review and approve their methodological recommendations on specific statistical subjects, and promote their implementation.
ii.maintain relations with other international organisations, seeking to achieve co-ordinated and complementary work programmes in areas of shared interest and mutual benefit; to involve important Partners in the activities of the Committee and its subsidiary bodies, and in specific OECD statistical activities undertaken by the Organisation’s various substantive committees and their subsidiary bodies in order to:
a)improve the availability, quality and international comparability of statistics produced by national sources in both OECD Members and Partners; and
b)promote convergence in statistical standards used by OECD and Partners.
IV. Duration
B. The mandate of the Committee shall remain in force until 31 December 2026.