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Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE)
Mr. Daniel Mawson   
(United Kingdom)
Mr. Román Arjona-Gracia   
Mr. Paul Cusson   
Mr. David Barrett   
Ms. Francesca Lotti   
Mr. Jaehan Cho   
Ms. Kezban Akkurt   
Mr. Philip Luck   
(United States)
Open to all Member countries 
Russian Federation   
Date of creation:
25th January 2001
31st December 2026


Mandate:   -   Resolution of the Council concerning the renewal and revision of the Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship [C(2011)165 and C/M(2011)20/PROV, Item 220].

-    Resolution of the Council concerning the renewal and revision of the mandate of the Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship [C(2016)150 and [C/M(2016)15, Item 240]

- Resolution of the Council concerning the renewal and revision of the mandate of the Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship [C(2021)159 and [C/M(2021)22, Item 257]


Resolution of the Council [C(2021)159 and C/M(2021)22, Item 257


HAVING REGARD to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960; 

HAVING REGARD to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;

HAVING REGARD to the Revised Resolution of the Council on Partnerships in OECD Bodies [C(2012)100/REV1/FINAL];

HAVING REGARD to the creation of an Industry Committee [OECD/C(61)9], which became the Committee on Industry and Business Environment (CIBE) in 2001 [C(2001)7], and most recently the Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) in 2006 [C(2006)132/REV1], whose mandate was last revised in 2016 [C(2016)15];

HAVING REGARD to the recommendations of the In-depth Evaluation of the Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship [C(2012)134 and C/M(2012)14, Item 215 iii];

HAVING REGARD to the proposed revision of the mandate of the Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship [C(2021)159];


A.   The Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (hereafter the “CIIE”) is renewed with the following revised mandate:

I.    Objectives

1.The overall objectives of the CIIE shall be to:

• assist governments in the development of policy mixes that empower them to successfully navigate transitions, notably digital, green, inclusive, and in the context of the post-COVID recovery;

• aim at designing and supporting the implementation of industry, innovation and entrepreneurship policies that can promote growth in output, incomes, welfare, and resilience through sustainable and inclusive improvements in productivity and competitiveness.

1.In fulfilling these objectives, the CIIE shall take account of fundamental changes in the world economy that include the globalisation of markets, the growing importance of intangible assets, the need for growth and fiscal adjustment in many economies, the post-COVID recovery, the rise of emerging market economies and the long-term challenges posed by climate change, resource scarcity, demographic and other social changes.


II.    Working Methods

2.The CIIE shall achieve its objectives by providing cross-country evidence and policy analysis, relying on meso, micro and big data, and by providing a forum for the sharing of best practices.

3.Against this background, the CIIE will be responsible for analysing and developing policy recommendations that require co-operation and consultation among Members and Partners, focusing on policies that:

i.Reflect the changing nature of production and value creation;

ii.Adapt to the globalisation of production across Members and Partners and draw benefits from globalisation, including the participation of all types of firms of different ages, sizes and ownership structures and nationalities in global value chains;

iii.Foster structural change and industrial transformation, including policies to adapt to the changing nature of production in a global economy, and in which new sectors of the economy and firms of all sizes, ages and ownership structures and nationalities are able to develop and established sectors are able to modernise;

iv.Improve the conditions for entrepreneurship, firm entry, growth and exit, technology diffusion, and efficient resource allocation, contributing to enhanced job creation, and productivity growth;

v.Enhance business investment in tangible and intangible assets, including human capital, to foster innovation and technology adoption and diffusion, with emphasis not only on technological innovation, the increasing automation and digitalisation, including the development and use of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), but also on non-technological innovation and new business models;

vi.Help create a business climate in which firms can respond to societal and environmental challenges (e.g., social inclusion, climate change, sustainable development).

4.The CIIE will pay particular attention to highlighting the benefits of economic developments and reforms, based on the sharing of best practice policy lessons and the identification of underlying barriers to reform. The role of ex ante and ex post policy evaluation in understanding the causal impacts of policies is at the forefront of the work of the CIIE. This can involve a variety of methodologies, including early small-scale pilot studies to help in policy design.

II.    Coordination Arrangements

5.Considering the central role of innovation as a catalyst for economic development and growth, the CIIE shall:

• maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies of the Organisation to complement and support analysis underway, discuss cross-cutting aspects and, where appropriate, undertake joint projects with the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy, the Committee on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, the Committee on Digital Economy Policy, the Committee on Fiscal Affairs, the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy, the Competition Committee, the Economic Policy Committee, the Economic Development Review Committee, the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee, the Environment Policy Committee, and the Trade Committee to ensure that the committees are fully aligned and share expertise and outputs in pursuit of their respective objectives, as well as with entities within the OECD family, such as the International Energy Agency Governing Board.

• co-operate with other international and regional organisations active in relevant policy fields, and consult with representatives of industry, business, trade unions and public interest groups, where appropriate.

B.    The mandate of the CIIE shall remain in force until 31 December 2026.


Version Published On :16th June 2023 and Archived on: 16th October 2023  
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