On-Line Guide to OECD Intergovernmental Activity
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Health Committee
Ms. Jane Halton   
Bureau Members:   
Mr. Rasmus LONBORG   
Dr. Irene Keinhorst   
Mr. Fabrizio OLEARI   
Mr. Miguel LIMÓN GARCÍA   
Mr. Stefan Spycher   
Ms. Sherry Glied   
(United States)
New Zealand   
Czech Republic   
Slovak Republic   
United Kingdom   
United States   
European Commission   
Observers (International Organisations):   
Council of Europe (COE)   
International Social Security Association (ISSA)   
World Health Organization (WHO)   
Ad hoc Observers:   
Russian Federation   
People’s Republic of China   
South Africa   
Date of creation:
1st January 2007
31st December 2016

Mandate:       Resolution of the Council revising the mandate of the Health Committee as indicated in Annex to document [C(2012)28], approved at its 1257th session on 22 March 2012 [C/M(2012)3, item 40].



Annex to the Resolution of the Council [C(2012)28]



   Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960; 

   Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;

   Having regard to the In-depth Evaluation of the Group on Health [C/ESG(2006)5/REV1 and C/M(2006)16/PROV, Item 208];

   Having regard to the Resolution of the Council establishing the Health Committee [C(2006)175 and C/M(2006)20, Item 264], as extended on 13 December 2011 [C(2011)138 and C/M(2011)20/PROV, Item 219];

   Having regard to the Resolution of the Council concerning the participation of non-Members in the work of subsidiary bodies of the Organisation [C(2004)132/FINAL] and the revised global relations strategy for the Health Committee [DELSA/HEA(2010)32 and DELSA/HEA/M(2010)3/REV1];

   Recognising that good health is necessary for people to flourish as citizens, family members, workers and consumers, that improvements in health contribute to higher economic growth and improved welfare and that high-performing health systems are key to achieving better population health;

   Acknowledging that while the health sector represents a large and growing share of OECD economies, health systems will face important challenges in the future, in particular in view of ageing populations; changing lifestyles; and technical change;

   Having regard to the proposed revision of the mandate of the Health Committee [C(2012)28];


A.      The Health Committee has the following mandate:

1.   The overarching overarching objective of the Health Committee shall be to foster improvements in the performance of Members, and as appropriate, non-Members’ health systems in the following key areas:

   - Financial sustainability and efficiency of their health and long-term care systems;

   - Better preventive services and health promotion; and

   - The provision of high-quality health care to all.

2.   This shall be accomplished by the provision of Output Results that assist policymakers in designing, adapting and implementing policies for achieving high-performing health systems.

3.   In this context, the Health Committee will provide a forum for Members and, when appropriate, non-Members to share views and experiences on, and consider responses to, current and emerging health issues and challenges. This will be achieved, by building a body of health data, by filling gaps in health data and analysis at the international level, and by undertaking international comparisons and economic analysis of health systems, including disease prevention, health promotion and public health programmes, bearing in mind the competences and mission of the OECD, and the fact there is no one ideal health system. More specifically, its activities will consist of:

   a.   Encouraging co-operation among Members and non-Members in developing health accounts on a consistent basis, and in other relevant health data and information sharing.

   b.   Developing and promulgating health care indicators, and standardised, comparable sets of data and statistics, as a basis for research and analysis assessing the performance of OECD health systems.

   c.   Assessing options for sustainable financing of efficient health systems.

   d.   Assessing the performance of Members’ and, where relevant, non-Members’ health systems.

   e.   Undertaking policy analysis and evaluation to identify effective, efficient and high-quality policies and practices.

   f.   Working with non-Members on issues where such co-operation is mutually beneficial, promoting the sharing with non-Members of the health data systems and the expertise, information and experience which reside in Member countries.

   g.   Actively disseminating results through publication of studies and participation in conferences and meetings with policy-makers and stakeholders.

   h.   Co-ordinate initiatives and undertake joint activities with other relevant OECD Committees on policies around primary prevention (e.g. Education Policy).

4.   In order to efficiently implement the aforementioned activities, the Committee shall:

   a.   Maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies of the Organisation, seeking to (i) be actively engaged in, and where appropriate lead, joint work and ensure that it is undertaken in a co-ordinated manner; (ii) complement and support work that other bodies are leading; and (iii) ensure that other work of the OECD considers the impacts on health systems.

   b.   Maintain, as appropriate, and in conformity with the OECD Convention and Rules of Procedures, relations with other entities, particularly the WHO, seeking to achieve non-duplicative, co-ordinated and complementary work programmes in areas of shared interest and mutual benefit, conducting joint projects where appropriate and ensuring that the experience and expertise of other bodies is appropriately incorporated into the Committee’s health work.

   c.    Ensure that the views and expertise of non-government institutions are drawn upon in the conduct of OECD's health work, utilising, inter alia, the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC), the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) and contacts with relevant non-governmental organisations, including organisations representing patients and health professionals and outside experts.

   d.   Steer and review the progress of work and its financial status, and co-ordinate the work programmes of its subsidiary bodies and receive regular reports from them to ensure analysis and policy recommendations are fully integrated and evaluated.

5.   Where possible, Members shall appoint to the Health Committee high-ranking officials concerned with development, implementation or administration of health policies in their own countries.

6.   For the purpose of its activities in the health sector, the Organisation shall periodically collect all relevant statistics and other information; in principle, these data will be assembled by the Secretariat and published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General.

7.   The Health Committee will advise the Council on appropriate priorities for work on health and long-term care.

B.   The mandate of the Health Committee shall remain in force until 31 December 2016.

Version Published On :18th April 2012 and Archived on: 18th April 2013  
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