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Programme for Teaching and Learning International Survey Governing Board (TALIS)
Mr. Siew Hoong WONG   
(Company Name)
Mr. Barclay ANSTISS   
(New Zealand)
Ms. Axelle Charpentier   
Mr. Torben Hovmark   
Dr. Hyejin Kim   
Mr. Shunmugam Govindasamy PADAYACHEE   
(South Africa)
Ms. Genevieve Watson   
Ms. Stephanie Mayer   
Mr. Teun Pauwels   
Mr. Gary HOOGERS   
Mr. Sebastian ARANEDA   
Ms. Elizabeth Blandon   
Ms. Karla Salguero Moya   
(Costa Rica)
Mr. Tomas Zatloukal   
(Czech Republic)
Mr. Torben Hovmark   
Ms. Eneken JUURMANN   
Mr. Akis KYRIACOU   
Dr. Marjo Vesalainen   
Ms. Axelle Charpentier   
Mr. Tobias WANDREI   
Dr. Ágnes SZIKORA   
Ms. Sonja Dögg Pálsdóttir   
Dr. Ailbhe Booth   
Dr. Gal ALON   
Mr. Mario VACCA   
Mr. Noriyuki Goto   
Dr. Hyejin Kim   
Ms. Baiba Baškere   
Ms. Sandra Valaviciute   
Mr. Roberto Pulido   
Ms. Mirjam Kalverda   
Mr. Barclay ANSTISS   
(New Zealand)
Ms. Ida Large   
Dr. Roman Chymkowski   
Mr. Nuno Neto Rodrigues   
(Slovak Republic)
Ms. Andreja Schmuck   
Dr. Maria Axelsson   
Mr. Cevdet VURAL   
Ms. Mary COLEMAN   
(United States)
...(Russian Federation)
Mr. Manuel Fernando Palacios da Cunha e Melo   
Ms. Neda Oscar KRISTANOVA   
Ms. Ana Markocic Dekanic   
Mr. Jude Zammit   
Dr. Bogdan Cristescu   
Dr. Abdullah Alqataee   
(Saudi Arabia)
Mr. Shunmugam Govindasamy PADAYACHEE   
(South Africa)
Ms. Hessa Al Wahabi   
(United Arab Emirates)
Participation Plan   
Observers (International Organisations):   
Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC)   
UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)   
Date of creation:
1st January 2007
31st December 2026

Mandate:   -   Summary Record of the 74th Session of the Governing Board of the Centre for Education Research and Innovation [EDU/CERI/CD/M(2006)1] and Summary Record of the 77th Session of the Education Committee [EDU/EC/M(2006)1]

   -   Summary Record of the 78th Session of the Education Committee [EDU/EC/M(2006)2 and EDU/EC(2006)24/REV1]

   -   Confirmation by the Executive Committee registered in the Summary Record of its 770th session [CE/M(2006)15, Item 107 and C(2006)173/ANN1]

   -   Summary Record of the Joint Session of the Education Policy Committee and the CERI Governing Board, Paris 25 April 2007 [EDU/EDPC/CERI(2007)1 and [EDU(2007)5/REV1]

   -    Summary Record of the 10th session of the Education Policy Committee, 16 November 2011 and the document on a proposal for the creation of a Part II Programme for TALIS, 7 June 2011 [EDU/EDPC/M(2011)2] and [EDU/INES/TALIS(2011)21]

   -   Summary Record of the 1248th Session of the Council [C/M(2011)14/Prov]

      Summary Record of the 16th Session of the Education Policy Committee, 28 October 2014 and the document on a proposal to extend the Mandate of the Programme for TALIS, [EDU/EDPC/M(2014)2] and [EDU/EDPC/RD(2014)7], 24 October 2014

   -   Resolution of the Council of the 1321st Session on 17 September 2015: Proposal to establish the Programme for Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) as Part II Programme and to establish a Governing Board of TALIS

   -   Resolution of the Council adopted on 16 November 2020 [C/M(2020)8] renewing and revising the Programme for Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)



Resolution of the Council [C(2020)/125]



   Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960;

   Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;

   Having regard to the Financial Regulations of the Organisation;

   Having regard to the OECD survey of Teachers, Teaching and Learning, a joint output result of the Education Policy Committee (EDPC) and the Governing Board of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, set up in 2004 to provide policy relevant, robust international indicators and analysis on teachers and teaching in a timely and cost effective manner [EDU/EC/CERI/M(2004)2 and EDU/EC/CERI(2005)5] and later renamed the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) [EDU/EC/CERI(2006)13];

   Having regard to the establishment in 2006 of the Group of National Experts for the International Survey for Teachers, Teaching and Learning to manage the survey of teachers, teaching and learning [EDU/EC(2006)24/REV1; C(2006)173/ANN1 and C/M(2006)20/PROV, Item 265], which was later renamed the Board of Participating Countries of the Teaching and Learning International Survey and its mandate amended in 2007 [EDU(2007)5/REV1];

   HAVING regard to the establishment in 2015 of the TALIS Governing Board to oversee the Programme for Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) [C(2015)72];


A.   The Programme for the Teaching and Learning International Survey (hereinafter “TALIS”) is hereby renewed as a Part II Programme as follows:

I.   Objectives

1.   The overall goal of TALIS is to fill key international and national data gaps on teachers, their professional development, teaching, the learning environment and the impact that teachers can have on students. TALIS’ general purpose is to provide comparative data and analysis to help with the development of teaching as a profession, aimed at supporting the learning of students.

2.   Through the implementation and analysis of internationally standardised surveys of teaching and learning at various levels of education, the main intermediate objectives of TALIS shall be to provide TALIS participants with:

a)   Robust international indicators and policy-relevant analysis on teachers and teaching in order to help them to review and develop policies that create the conditions for effective schooling. This includes indicators and analyses on school leadership, teachers’ working conditions and opportunities for professional development, as well as indicators describing pedagogical aspects of teachers work.

b)   The opportunity to compare their policies with those of other countries facing similar challenges and to learn about different policy approaches and their impact on the learning environment in schools, through cross-country analyses.

c)   An internationally comparative perspective that complements information on the teaching workforce and conditions of teaching with an increased emphasis on how these conditions affect the pedagogical aspects of teachers’ work, as well as schools’ and teachers’ effectiveness.

d)   Insights into the factors that help understand school level differences in learning outcomes that the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has revealed.

e)   The possibility to progressively enhance comparative policy insights on how to create the conditions for effective teaching and learning by providing policy relevant, robust international indicators and analysis on teachers and teaching in a timely and cost effective manner.

f)   Support in their efforts to achieve high quality lifelong learning for all, which contributes to personal development, sustainable economic growth and social cohesion.

g)   Flexible and modular data collection instruments, which adapt to their specific needs and policy priorities.

II.   TALIS Governing Board

3.   The TALIS Governing Board shall be competent to oversee TALIS and to consider all questions related to the implementation and discharge of TALIS, in particular:

a)   Define the general orientations and policy priorities for TALIS and oversee endorsement of these priorities during implementation. This includes the setting of priorities and standards for data development, analysis and reporting, as well as the determination of the scope of work that will then form the basis for the implementation of TALIS;

b)   Ensure compliance with the policy objectives and design parameters of the surveys at key milestones during the implementation of each wave of TALIS;

c)   Develop and approve its programme of work and budget, as well as the cost-sharing formula for the calculation of the scale of contributions;

d)   Prioritise its activities and outputs;

e)   Monitor the quality and timeliness of output results, activities and projects, and guide the preparation of the reports and analysis of TALIS results;

f)   Disseminate its policy advice, analysis, research and data to a wide range of stakeholders;

g)   Seek the guidance of the Education Policy Committee (EDPC) for recommendations with major policy implications and for decisions to launch major new activities with significant financial implications for Members.

4.   The TALIS Governing Board shall, by mutual agreement through a transparent process, designate its Chair and up to five Vice-Chairs for a period of three years from the date of designation, renewable once.

5.   The TALIS Governing Board shall seek the consensus in its deliberations and decisions. If unable to reach consensus, the matter will be brought to a vote and will be decided by a two-thirds majority. Notwithstanding this provision, decisions relating to the functioning of the TALIS Governing Board, the cost-sharing formula for the scale of contributions, changes to the survey design and structure, as well as matters related to the participation by non-Members in TALIS and/or in the TALIS Governing Board, will be adopted by consensus.

III.   Participation

6.   Membership in TALIS shall be open to:

• OECD Members, which have addressed a notification to the Secretary-General to this effect;

• Non-Member countries, in accordance with the process set out in Paragraph 8, below.

Together, they should be referred to as “TALIS participants”. All TALIS participants shall appoint one representative to the TALIS Governing Board.

7.   OECD Member TALIS participants shall be “members” of the TALIS Governing Board (“TALIS GB members”).

8.   Non-OECD Member TALIS participants can attend meetings of the TALIS Governing Board as either “TALIS GB members” – on the invitation of the OECD Council following a recommendation of the TALIS GB (with an open ended invitation) – or as “TALIS GB observers” – on the invitation of the TALIS GB (for the duration of the cycle).

9.   Any TALIS participant may nominate sub-national entities to participate in TALIS. In the case of participation by several sub-national entities from a given country, the participating sub-national entities shall have the option of participating in TALIS jointly or fully independently for the purpose of calculating contributions and reporting.

10.   Representatives should be chosen by virtue of their responsibilities in matters relating to teachers, teaching and pedagogy policy issues, as well as their knowledge about large-scale surveys. They shall speak on behalf of the government that they represent. Governments should, whenever possible, appoint senior officials who are knowledgeable about large-scale surveys and their interface with educational policy and practice in the area of teachers, teacher training, teaching and pedagogy, and have direct responsibility for advising their governments on policy and resource allocation in this area.

11.   TALIS GB members shall have one vote, irrespective of whether participation is country-wide or by some sub-national entities only. In the case of participation by several sub-national entities from a given country, the participating sub-national entities will have no additional representatives or votes. TALIS GB members only participate in decisions related to the modules in which they participate. TALIS GB observers do not participate in decision making.

IV.   Budget

12.   The expenditure of TALIS shall be charged against appropriations authorised for it under Part II of the Budget of the Organisation.

13.   The scale of contributions for TALIS, attributed to TALIS GB members or their sub-national entities as applicable, shall be composed of:

• A floor contribution to be determined by the TALIS Governing Board; and

• The remainder of budget to be assigned on the basis of the OECD principles and rules for determining the scales of contributions by Members other than for Part I of the Budget of the Organisation [C(2008)144/REV1, Annex II], using as input statistics the national income data and exchange rates used in the calculation of scales for the previous year.

14.   TALIS GB observers shall pay an amount equal to the floor contribution.

15.   In case of sub-national entities:

• The adjustment to the national income and population data for determining their share in the scale of contributions other than the floor contribution shall be their country’s taxable income multiplied by the average percentage of the country’s gross domestic product represented by the sub-national entities over the relevant three year period. The source of data used shall be the relevant national statistical office;

• When several sub-national entities from a given country participate jointly in TALIS, they would only pay the floor contribution once. When each sub-national entity participates independently, they would pay its own floor contribution.

16.   If TALIS has optional components, the distribution of the costs of each optional module shall be determined by the TALIS Governing Board. The cost of any options, including their impact on the TALIS Programme overhead and central costs, shall be borne entirely by the TALIS participants taking part in those options.

17.   Appropriations for which no commitment has been entered into before the end of the Financial Year for which they were appropriated, as well as any surplus income, shall be automatically carried forward to the Budget of TALIS for the ensuing year by decision of the Secretary-General, notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 10 of the Financial Regulations of the Organisation.

18.   A TALIS participant would fall into arrears on 1 January of the year following the year of the call for payment of its contribution if the contribution remains unpaid at that date. If a TALIS participant’s contribution remained unpaid in the second year following the year of call for payment, a proposal would be considered to suspend its participation, unless it paid the outstanding contribution. Settlement of the outstanding debt by the participating country in arrears will reverse the suspension. If, in the third year following the year of call for payment, a TALIS participant’s contribution remained unpaid, a proposal would be considered to exclude it from the TALIS Programme, unless it paid the outstanding contribution. The decision of exclusion shall be adopted by the Council. This decision shall be notified to the concerned TALIS participant.

V.   Co-ordination arrangements

18.   The TALIS Governing Board shall maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies of the Organisation working on issues related to education, in particular the EDPC. The Chairs of the EDPC, PISA Governing Board, CERI Governing Board and ECEC Network may attend the TALIS Governing Board ex officio, with the possibility of being represented by one of their Vice Chairs.

20.   The TALIS Governing Board shall co-operate with other international organisations active in its field of competence. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) may attend the meetings of the TALIS Governing Board as observer.

21.   The TALIS Governing Board may also consult, as and when necessary, with non-governmental bodies, in particular the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC).

B.   This Resolution shall remain in force until 31 December 2026.

[1]The European Union participates by virtue of the Supplementary Protocol No.1 to the Convention on the OECD.
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