Mandate: - approved during the 22-23 February 2023 CERT meeting [IEA/CERT(2023)5; IEA/CERT/C(2023)1 and IEA/CERT/M(2023)1
Extract from Document [IEA/CERT(2023)5]
The aim of the IEA Working Party on Industrial Decarbonisation (WPID) is to provide a forum for IEA Family governments, industrial organisations, and other relevant public and private stakeholders, to work together on key substantive questions towards accelerating industrial decarbonisation.
The WPID will seek to enhance the quality and impact of the IEA's work on industrial decarbonisation through its role as the principal advisory body to the IEA member governments, the IEA Secretariat and other stakeholders (as appropriate) on matters relating to industrial decarbonisation.
The specific functions of the WPID may include:
• working together and, where appropriate, taking actions on particular matters of mutual interest, with the objective of accelerating the industry sector transition to net-zero emissions, taking into account where appropriate input from industrial associations;
• exchanging best practice experience and lessons learned on technical matters and policy measures related to industrial decarbonisation, including exchange between advanced, emerging market and developing economies;
• collecting and sharing qualitative and quantitative data to track progress, such as updates on innovative technology demonstration projects, data on sustainable procurement or reporting of industrial emissions by process route;
• providing strategic direction into the work of the IEA Secretariat on industrial decarbonisation; and strengthening the ties between the IEA Secretariat's analysis and government policy development on matters related to industrial decarbonisation, capitalising on synergies while avoiding duplication;
• providing strategic input where appropriate to other relevant platforms, such as through sharing of ideas, data and analysis, and seeking collaboration while avoiding duplication, including but not limited to the CEM's Industry Deep Decarbonisation Initiative (IDDI), Mission Innovation's Net-Zero Industries Mission, Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), relevant OECD Committees (such as the OECD's Steel Committee and others), the Industry TCP Coordination Group under the IEA End-Use Working Party and the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems (IETS TCP).