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Governing Body of the Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems
(Slovak Republic)
Dr. Andy SHEPPARD   
Professor András SZEKACS   
Czech Republic   
New Zealand   
Slovak Republic   
United Kingdom   
United States   
Date of creation:
1st January 2000
31st December 2025

Mandate:   -   Resolution of the Council [C(2020)70 - Annex] approved under accelerated written procedure launched after the Council informal discussion of 6 November 2020 [CES/PE(2020)48, Item 163]

Resolution of the Council [C(2020)70 - Annex] and CES/PE(2020)48, Item 163]


   Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960; 

   Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;

   Having regard to the Financial Regulations of the Organisation;

   Having regard to the Decision of the Council concerning a Co-operative Research Project on Food Production and Preservation of 21 December 1978 [C(78)188(Final)] and to the Decision of the Council concerning the Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems [C(89)184(Final)], which was last renewed and revised in 2015 [C(2015)77];

   Having regard to the Decision of the Council to fund the Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems within the Part II of the Budget of the Organisation [C(2004)96];

   Considering the challenges facing the world in feeding its growing population with increasing pressures on natural resources and in the face of climate change;

   Having regard to the proposed priority areas of research for 2021-2025 agreed by the CRP Governing Body [TAD/PR/II(2019)1/FINAL];

   Having regard to the results of the In-depth Evaluation of the Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems [C(2014)142];

   Having regard to the proposed revision renewal and revision of the Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management For Sustainable Agricultural Systems, and the proposal to rename it the Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems [C(2020)70];


A.   The Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems is renewed, revised and renamed the Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems (hereinafter the “CRP”) as follows:

I.   Objectives

   The overall objectives of the CRP are to strengthen scientific knowledge in the areas of agriculture, food, fisheries and forests, to support and promote international co-operation and networking between scientists in countries participating in the CRP, and to provide relevant scientific information and advice that will inform future policy decisions.

   The CRP has three main research themes:

   i)   Managing Natural Capital;

   ii)   Strengthening Resilience in the Face of Multiple Risks in a Connected World;

   iii)   Transformational technologies and innovation.

   The CRP shall achieve its objectives by:

   i)   Funding/co-funding conferences and workshops that are organised by external parties such as government research institutions, universities, international associations, that bring together leading specialists to address agri-research issues that are high on the science/policy agenda. Such conferences and workshops should be both organised by individuals who are citizens or residents of countries participating in the CRP and held in countries participating in the CRP; and

   ii)   Awarding fellowships to scientists who are citizens and/or residents of countries participating in the CRP, to conduct a research project in a foreign country (also participating in the CRP).

II.   Governing Body of the CRP

   The Governing Body of the CRP (hereinafter the “Governing Body”) shall be competent to consider all questions related to the implementation and discharge of the functions of the CRP and it shall in particular:

   i)   Define the general orientations of the CRP;

   ii)   Identify on an annual basis the scope of policy interests of the CRP, in consultation with the Committee for Agriculture and, where appropriate, other bodies of the Organisation;

   iii)   Decide, on the basis of the scientific recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Body, on the upcoming annual programme of fellowships and conferences and its related budget. In doing so the Governing Body shall ensure that the activities to be undertaken are of relevance to the scientific and policy communities in agriculture;

   iv)   Submit a summary report of work each year to the Committee for Agriculture and the Joint Working Party on Agriculture and the Environment for information and advice.

III.   Scientific Advisory Body

   The Governing Body shall be assisted by the Scientific Advisory Body of the CRP (hereinafter called “the SAB”) which will be in charge of:

   i)   Advising the Governing Body on the immediate and over the horizon scientific research issues in the fields of agriculture, food, fisheries and forests to facilitate the CRP’s ability to identify cutting edge research;

   ii)   Assisting the Governing Body in the awarding of conference/workshop funding and fellowships.

   To this end, the SAB should, in particular:

   i)   Recommend to the Governing Body the activities that, from a scientific point of view, are worthy of sponsorship, taking into account the scope of policy interests identified by the Governing Body;

   ii)   Submit to the Governing Body a recommendation for the annual sponsorship of conferences and fellowships; and

   iii)   Submit to the Governing Body a yearly report on the sponsored activities of the Programme.

   The SAB shall be composed of a maximum of six representatives designated by the Governing Body from a list of distinguished individuals proposed by Governments of countries participating in the CRP. A regional balance will be maintained, and gender balance sought, in the selection of SAB representatives, who shall be chosen by virtue of their scientific responsibilities in the topics covered by the CRP or shall have responsibilities at a high level in the administration of agricultural research.

IV.   Participation

   Participation in the CRP is open to all OECD Members, which may participate in the CRP by addressing a notification to the Secretary-General to this effect.

   Participation of non-Members in the CRP will be considered by the Governing Body and may be recommended by the Governing Body to the Council.

   Each country participating in the CRP shall appoint at least one representative to the Governing Body. Representatives should be chosen by virtue of their responsibilities in matters relating to agriculture, food or forest research and research policy.

V.   Budget

   The expenditure of the CRP shall be charged against appropriations authorised for it under Part II of the Budget of the Organisation.

   The budget of the CRP shall be financed by participating countries in accordance with the Standard Part II Scale [C2008)144/REV1].

   The annual contribution of a new participating country shall be added to the budget of the CRP. If a new participating country joins during a financial period, its contribution calculated on a prorate temporis basis shall become a supplementary budget.

   A participating country would fall into arrears on 1 January of the year following the year of the call for payment of the annual contribution if the contribution remains unpaid at that date.

i)   In the first year of payment arrears, participating countries in arrears, together with the amount outstanding for the year in question, will be identified in a table to be presented to the Governing Body of the CRP at its next annual meeting.

   ii)   If, in the second year following the year of call for payment, a participating country’s contribution remained unpaid, a proposal would be considered to suspend the participating country from participation in the CRP, unless it paid the outstanding contribution. Settlement of the outstanding debt by the participating country in arrears will reverse the suspension.

   iii)   If, in the third year following the year of call for payment, a participating country’s contribution remained unpaid, a proposal would be considered to exclude it from the CRP, unless it paid the outstanding contribution.

   iv)   The decision of exclusion shall be adopted by the Council. This decision shall be notified to the participating country.

   Appropriations for which no commitment has been entered into before the end of the Financial Year for which they were appropriated, as well as any surplus income, shall be automatically carried forward to the Budget of the CRP for the ensuing year by decision of the Secretary-General, notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 10 of the Financial Regulations of the Organisation.

   The CRP may include activities to be financed in whole or in part from grants by public or private institutions.

VI.   Co-ordination arrangements

   The Governing Body shall co-operate closely with the Committee for Agriculture (COAG) and the Fisheries Committee (COFI), with which it has intrinsic links, and in particular the OECD Codes and Schemes, the Global Forum on Agriculture and the following subsidiary bodies and fora of the COAG:

   i)   the Working Party on Agricultural Policies and Markets (APM);

   ii)   the Joint Working Party on Agriculture and the Environment (JWPAE);

   iii)   the Joint Working Party on Agriculture and Trade (JWPAT);

   The Governing Body shall also maintain working relations with other bodies and Global Fora of the Organisation, in particular and as appropriate with:

   i)   the Environment Policy Committee and Chemicals and Biotechnology Committee including their relevant subsidiary bodies (i.e. the Working Party on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology; the Working Party for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds; the Working Party on Pesticides; Working Party on Biodiversity, Water and Ecosystems) as well as the Global Forum on Biotechnology;

   ii)   the OECD Global Science Forum including its relevant activities (e.g. on temperate agriculture) and the Working Party on Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies (BNCT), subsidiary bodies of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy;

iii)   the Regional Development Policy Committee.

B.   This Resolution shall remain in force until 31 December 2025.

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