DRAFT resolution of the council REVISing the mandate
of the fisheries committee
Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14 December 1960;
Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;
Having regard to paragraphs 21, 24 and 89 of the Report of the Preparatory Committee concerning the creation of the Fisheries Committee on 30 September 1961, whose mandate was last revised in 2008 [C(2008)193/REV1 and C/M(2008)21, Item 304];
Having regard to the results of the second cycle In-depth Evaluation of the Fisheries Committee [C(2015)34], approved by the Council at its 1313th Session on 23 April 2015[C/M(2015)10, Item 75];
Having regard to the proposal to revise the mandate of the Fisheries Committee [C(2015)109];
Having regard to the Resolution of the Council on Partnerships in OECD Bodies [C(2012)100/FINAL];
Having regard to the proposal to renew the mandate of the Fisheries Committee [C(2020)142];
Considering the need to promote sustainable, well-managed, efficient and resilient fisheries and aquaculture sectors worldwide along the whole supply chain in support of sustainable livelihoods and communities, and the necessity to contribute to the objectives of food security, healthy ecosystems, and other emerging challenges;
A. The Fisheries Committee (hereafter the “Committee”) is renewed with the following mandate:
I. Objectives
1.The objectives of the Committee are to:
a)Promote sustainable well-managed, efficient and resilient fisheries and aquaculture that contribute to healthy ecosystems, support sustainable livelihoods and communities, and contribute to food security, responsible trade and consumption;
b)Promote mutual understanding of developments in fisheries and aquaculture policies;