Mandate: Resolution of Council [C(2024)182] adopted at its 1487th session on 16 December 2024
Resolution of the Council [C(2024)182]
HAVING REGARD to Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) of 14 December 1960;
HAVING REGARD to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;
HAVING REGARD to the Resolution of the Council on Partnerships in OECD Bodies [C(2012)100/REV2/FINAL];
HAVING REGARD to the Ministerial Resolution of 23 July 1960 [OECD(60)9(Final)] and to paragraph 16 of the Report of the Preparatory Committee concerning the creation of a Trade Committee, whose mandate was last revised in 2019 [C(2019)166];
CONSIDERING that international trade is essential for growth and sustainable economic development;
HAVING REGARD to the proposed revision of the mandate of the Trade Committee [C(2024)182];
A. The Trade Committee (hereafter the “Committee”) is renewed with the following revised mandate:
I. Objectives
1. The overarching objective of the Committee is to help countries benefit fully from trading opportunities and adjust to changing trade patterns by providing a forum for international co-operation, dialogue and policy analysis, as encompassed in Article 1 of the OECD Convention.
II. Working methods
2. The mid-level objectives of the Committee, reflected in its working methods, are to:
a) Encourage frank and open dialogue and undertake and disseminate rigorous, objective analysis of trade policy, in order to:
i)increase understanding of evolving trade policy issues, including on controversial subjects;
ii)build support for liberalised trade in goods and services as a key driver of growth within a strengthened multilateral, rules-based trading system and improve understanding of how bilateral, plurilateral and regional agreements can help advance that goal;
iii)contribute objective information and analysis in support of trade negotiations to advance the on-going and future agenda of the World Trade Organization (WTO);
iv)facilitate the promotion of coherence between trade policy and other related domestic and international policies.
b) Support the work on establishing common guiding principles and exchange of information in respect of Members’ official export credit systems.
c) Improve understanding of open trade and markets as an important driver of growth by communicating and disseminating, as appropriate, the results of the Committee’s work to the relevant stakeholders.
III. Co-ordination arrangements
3. The Committee shall:
a) Collaborate closely with other relevant bodies of the OECD on cross-cutting issues related to trade, including on intellectual property, social, investment, competition, environment, development and agriculture.
b) Engage Partners in the analytical work and policy dialogue of the Committee as appropriate in accordance with the Committee’s Global Relations Strategic Directions and the outreach priorities agreed OECD-wide.
c) Consult and share information, as appropriate, with Business at OECD (BIAC) and the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC), as well as the civil society and academia.
d) Co-operate with other international organisations, such as the World Trade Organization, World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and others as determined by the needs of the Committee’s work and its Global Relations Strategic Directions.
B. The mandate of the Trade Committee shall remain in force until 31 December 2029.